Review 12/6/2010
I just wanted to take a few moments to mention an issue that I am having with GEMB. I have a loan currently with them for an RV that we purchased from Giant RV in Murrieta CA in 2007. Since purchasing this unit we have had nothing but one problem after another mainly being major water leaks causing extensive damage. Since the Manufacturer Weekend Warrior has gone out of business in Oct 2008, we have not been able to have assistance from that department in reference to our unit. Even the dealer Giant RV would not assist after the fact. So all in all I have recently been trying to come to some agreement with GEMB Lending on trying to work with us if we were to trade our unit. They won't do anything with a trade-in and told me that they would work with us on a shortsale to a third party. The problem with that is that our unit has once again for the third time, in the same place, extensive water damage. The area that is damaged has already been repaired twice already.
What it has come down to is that we have been making our payments faithfully since Feb.2007. My husband lost a good portion of his salary in May 2009 and I have still maintained my payments but at this point we are not financially in a position to be able to maintain this unit with the continual damage that keeps occuring. We have done everything within our means to keep this unit up but now with new water damage we have finally made the decision to give up this unit. I refuse to continue to pay on something that is literally rotting apart so I have been trying to work out an agreement that would hopefully be a win-win situation for both parties. I had suggested that GEMB work with me on a principal reduction and apply what I have paid into as full principal and let me work with trying to trade the unit as I know I would not in good conscious be able to sell this unit to a third party knowing what is wrong with it. All in all I wrote a second letter that they are saying that they have not received. I unfortunately did not send that letter certified but it was sent to the exact same address that the first one was sent to and they received that one.
I know in this economy there have been so many unusual things and companies have done things that they never thought that they would ever do. I know it is not the finance companies fault about the RV but neither is it mine but it seems that the consumer is the one to always pay the price. I have tried everything imaginable to resolve this issue but since Weekend Warrior is out of business I have been left in the lurch and all I have left to me is to work something out with GEMB but so far they have not contacted me back after the second letter which also included a flash drive documenting the SOME of the damages that we have had to deal with on this unit. I don't know why finance companies are not willing to work with someone who has faithfully been making payments even with all of what we have had to deal with.
The bottom line is that in this day and age of financial difficulties companies need to be willing to work with customers who have been faithful to them.
Thank You!