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Super Star Smile scam
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4/14/2010 9:03 AM (PST)

any reviews on a product called Super Star Smile? I've had a bad experience and wonder if anyone else has.

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6/28/2010 4:29 PM (PST)

This is for Tom Alderman, who says he's the CEO of Super Star Smile. My experience with your company is this: I've received about a dozen phone calls from your company in the last 3 days. For the first eleven of those calls, no one was on the caller end of the phone. When I called back to thw number on the caller ID, 201-383-2719, I received only a machine which said I had the option to speak to someone, but, when pressing that option, I was told everyone was too busy to talk. Unfortunately, that was false, since the machine made no effort to transfer but simply paused for a few seconds. When the machine suggested trying another option, nothing, again, happened.

This afternoon, a call came in from the company. I questioned the person on the line. I was first told the company was located in Portland, Oregon. Because I persisted with questions, I was transfered to a "supervisor" who gave the name "Kevin Villanova." I asked more questions. Kevin told me the company was located at a certain street in Denver. This came as a suprise to the company actually at the address given (I followed up and called the company there, which is a roofing company). I was also told by Kevin that Super Star Smile personnel can not give out the telephone number, mailing address, contact persons, email addresses or other useful information of the company. No one with whom I spoke could explain why the caller ID gave a New Jersey number (the 201 number above).

The way this scam usually works, when you ask questions of companies like this, they will give some contact information that is taken directly from someone else they've try to contact. Hence the address I got was likely someone they've previously called and the name "Kevin Villanova" is also likely someone on their contact list. FOr other people who have posted to this, part of the danger in dealing with a company like this is that they are apt to use your name, address, etc., as contact information by the next people in line on their hit list.

If "Tom Alderman" wants to post some real information on this company on this blog, I'll be happy to check it out. You want to be trusted, Tom, you need to give out real information. I'd want to know their state of incorporation and the name of their service agent. If they really are incorporated, that info is already public information- you just need to know the state of incorporation. I don't have time to track down all the lies I was told earlier today.

For all of you who have been scammed by this company, contact the Attorney General's Office in your home state and complain. Also, complain to the AG's Office in any state in which you think the company has dealings- look at the return address on any shipment they make to you. (Most Attorney General offices have a consumer protection department.) While I would expect the AG's offices can't go after every complaint, at some point the balance will tip and they'll track this company down.

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4/14/2010 9:40 AM (PST)

Good Morning Jenetta,

I didn't find any reviews but found their website with their offer of a free trial, you just have to pay shipping and handling. This offer is misleading.

Per their terms and condtions once you participate, you are automatically put into a monthly membership with Superstar Smile Disoount Club. This membership automatically sends you a monthly shipment of Superstar Smile product for $89.97 + $9.95 s/h = $99.82 a month! That doesn't sound free to me.

You may view all of their terms and conditions at their site

This company is similiar to other teeth whitening companies who offer free trials but end up charging customers accounts and refuse to stop billing or sending product.

Please note their website offers no address for the company.

I would urge caution doing business with this company.

Thank you.

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4/14/2010 9:54 AM (PST)

The company's smile is the only one brightened by this deal!

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4/14/2010 10:14 AM (PST)


I was able to find their address and link up their Trustlink report so you may post your review regarding your experience with SuperStar Smile.

Just click on the View Reviews and be the first!

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4/29/2010 1:40 PM (PST)


My name is Tom Alderman and I am the CEO of the company that is running

First of all, I am sorry you have had a negative experience with our company. I want you to know that I take every complaint very seriously and I am determined to rectify your situation. Please contact me at I might be making a mistake by putting my personal email on here, but oh well. If you want your money back, I will make sure you get it. If you have any concerns about the product, I will personally attend to it. Once again, I want to make this right and if it means we lose a customer but gain a friend, I'm good with that. Please contact me.

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4/29/2010 2:26 PM (PST)

Way to go Tom!

Jenetta, let me know if Tom is able to resolve your concerns!!

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4/29/2010 2:55 PM (PST)

Whoa,, Hey, I used this company and loved it, I did the free trial (which was 10 days)I paid &4.95 for shipping and handling. Good price! I could not wait for the next shipment, in another month Yes, I read where I pay 300.00 Total Before I am a lifetime member. Then I’ll have free teeth whitening kits! Yes I understand I pay $9.95 for the s&h for life, wonderful deal for me. I paid this much for 1 treatment before at the dentist. This was the first company that I found that openly told you what the program consisted of on several places on their web site and had a call center that was able to take my call. Their site is

They do a ten day free trial to let you see if you like the product, then they send you 3 monthly kits. I’m currently on my 2nd kit. What’s cool about this company is that they give you free kits for life after their three months are done.

If you read more into the site you will see what I’m talking about.. hum let me copy and paste it from their site… this is located right next to the order button, and trust me I had my son look this over a few times before I ordered. I even called in to make sure that this is what they offer.

SuperStar Smile is a 90-day program. In order to get the best possible results, we recommend you complete the full 90 days. The entire process is simple and consists of a 10-day trial (Just pay a discounted shipping amount of $4.95). If you do not cancel during the trial it is followed by three monthly installments of $99.92 ($89.95 for the product and $9.97 shipping and handling on days 11, 41, and 71) for your fresh monthly whitening kits. After the third installment, you are instantly upgraded to Platinum membership which will allow you to receive your future refills for just the cost of $9.95 shipping and handling. You can cancel the program any time by calling customer service at 1-877-438-2819,

Now the fist box I got in the mail was in a plain white box, but the other shipments came in a nice stylish clear case. One thing I did do was follow the advice of their agents and picked up their whitening light I think I spent 20 bucks on it. I smoke a half a pack a day and my teeth became really white within the first month, Most of the stains associated with 30+ years of smoking and drinking wine/tea are gone.

I went to the dentist office and I had to spend over $300 on one treatment and told me that it would cost upwards of 1200 bucks to remove a life time of smoking. I’m glad I found this company.

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5/21/2010 12:14 PM (PST)

Unfortunately, I was led into this nightmare via a 'pop-up' (my first mistake). I received my 'free trial' kit for only 4.95 shipping....I didn't have time (10 day, I thought it was 15) to try this wonderful? product when low and behold I received ANOTHER shipment and a charge on my credit card of $99.92. I contacted them immediately to CANCEL any further shipments immediately and was told to return this product unopened for credit. I just received my credit card bill and found that they only issued a credit of $58.48 - so what was the difference? Well, I called them AGAIN and the difference of $41.44 is a RESTOCKING fee!!!!! I was not told this when I first called them to return this product. What a scam!!! They would not budge on giving me the additional credit. I am going to report them BBB.

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5/21/2010 1:53 PM (PST)

That's exactly their scam! You did the right thing by contacting the BBB but you might want to follow up with contacting your credit card company as well to see if they can not only stop any future charges but alson try to help you recover what they already took.

You should also file a complaint with the Internet Crime Center at :

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5/22/2010 11:38 AM (PST)

Connie and Mari,
I have trouble moving around so I do most of my shopping online. Even my groceries. I have learned that it is very important to read the entire content on a website before I purchase or hit the submit button. It is our responsibility as people to know what we are buying. Next month I will be on my 9.95 a month program with Superstar Smile. On my last dentist trip he told me that my teeth look great and there is no harm to my gums or teeth. I told him the process and the costs using SuperstarSmile and we both had a giggle as we both knew what I spent in the past with him.
About the restocking fee, every company online including Walmart,Sears,Home Depot, Amazon, EBay, all charge restocking fees on returned product. That has been going on for years. When you shop on their sites it is right there next to the check out button when they run your card. They never charge for exchanges but always for returns. There is no Scam here. It really annoys me when people do not read the terms and conditions before they purchase. If a company does not have a terms and conditions posted then you know there is a scam. I NEVER purchase from a site like that. I learned my lesson well, As I was ripped off once in 2002 with Activit vitamin and weight loss pills. They had no terms and conditions and every other day another product would arrive in the mail. Books, exercise videos, meal planners, 80.00 weighted work out gloves, all from different companies. All the packages said free so day trial and no terms and conditions on the website of any of these products as I kept going online to get a phone number and email to ask why I was receiving all this stuff. Every time I would call the numbers listed it was a recorded message directing me back to the first website. Total scam. This went on for 2 months with a monthly supply of vitamins arriving every week. Then my Credit Card statement came well over $2,000.00 and over my limit on that card. They had kept charging overpriced items on my card till it was over limit. This was hell. I fought with the credit card company, they tried to get some of my money back. Nothing could be done. The representative from the credit card company took the time to explain to me the rules when shopping online. I am so glad she did. She told me to read everything before making a purchase. If any site does not openly post their TERMS AND CONDITIONS Do not Buy!!! As many of those type of companies are from other countries and there was no way to trace back where my money went. It was a costly lesson and I do like the vitamin and you can still buy it online. I still have 5 bottles of the stuff and all the work out videos still wrapped as I never ordered or wanted them.
Since 2002 the laws and rules have changed. Thank God. I do call my credit card company on anything on my card that I do not recognise and have found that they do not tolerate scams and shut them down right away. I hope many would read all of this and

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6/10/2010 3:06 PM (PST)

Anyone who had dealth with the nightmare of a company interested in participating in a Class Action Lawsuite? These people deserve to be held accountable and with the assistance of descent people we can for this company out of business and recoup at least some of the money they swindled. As for Susan L. I am sure that you are a paid representative and I'll be sure to get you in the process.

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6/10/2010 3:11 PM (PST)

Everyone, please be aware that this company has already changed it's name several times. If you have already placed an order with this company using a debit or credit card please contact your financial institution and stop payment and make them aware that no future charges should be honored. Immediately return the product unopened to the company and make sure that you insure it and get a signature that they received it. THIS COMPANY PRAYS ON PEOPLES EXCITEMENT AND UNWILLINGNESS TO READ THE FINE PRINT. AVOID THIS COMPANY AT ALL COSTS!!!!

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6/15/2010 2:42 PM (PST)

Same complaints as all... the one positive feedback message must have been a "plant". I have contacted my bank and my lawyer... looking foreward to a dispute with this Con Artist - Scam company.... I get so VERY frustrated and can only feel better when I think about judgement day for these theives!

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6/22/2010 9:16 AM (PST)


Your right! Their free trial offering you just pay shipping and handling is false. This offer is misleading.

Per their terms and conditions once you participate, you are automatically put into a monthly membership with Superstar Smile Discount Club. This membership automatically sends you a monthly shipment of Superstar Smile product for $89.97 + $9.95 s/h = $99.82 a month! That doesn't sound free to me.

You may view all of their terms and conditions at their site

This company is similar to other teeth whitening companies who offer free trials but end up charging customers accounts and refuse to stop billing or sending product.

Please note their website offers no address for the company. I suggest you contact your state attorney general's office and file a complaint and also contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center at

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7/6/2010 12:07 AM (PST)

Some of you don't appear to be very bright. There is nothing wrong with this type of offer. This is professional teeth whitening. I have been purchasing a less powerful product from my dentist for years and pay almost $200. This is actually a pretty good deal. Also, if you look at the terms, it has the address and phone numbers right on there. People are also checking the checkbox agreeing to the terms TWICE. If you are not smart enough to read the terms, then shame on you. As for Mari, you need to get your facts straight. They do give you a free supply. In order to qualify, you must agree to the terms. After 90 days, you get free refills on into the future. That is actually a REALLY GOOD deal. In fact, you would have to be stupid NOT to take them up on this. Then you make accusations about the company refusing to stop billing or send the product? You know this first hand? That is a pretty strong accusation. I think people badmouthing companies on the Internet like this deserve to get sued... If you are reading this, you need to make your own decision. If you want to have white teeth, this is a great deal. You have to order the full 3 month supply, but then you get your refills at no cost. That will save you thousands over getting it from your dentist. BIG THUMBS UP! :)

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7/6/2010 4:49 AM (PST)

Responding to Eric M.: The offer is what it is and the product either works or doesn' work. Regardless, that tactics employed by Super Star Smile are suspect and merit far deeper disclosure. Specifically:
- A company operating above board will have an answering system which is not deceptive about letting a customer contact company personnel. Super Star Smile is clearly dodging its customers.
- A company with reasonable business practices does not have internal procedures which prevent employees from providing otherwise public information about company ocntacts. In my contact with the company, employees stepped all over themselves trying to avoid giving valid information about the company.
-A company which actually believes in its product has no need for an exceptionally high stocking fee. Super Star Smile may be giving notices, but obviously not so clearly that people will be informed before buying.
- A company trying to prove itself to the public does not need to have people almost certainly associated with the company file responses on boards such as this "defending" the company (I suggest both you and Susan L are so associated. Susan L almost certainly. You less likely. Yours could simply be read as a person urging people to be cautious in buying, but it still macks strongly of close company involvement.)

If Super Star Smile wants people to think it is above board, it should do the following:

1. Post here proper contact information- corporate address and telephone numbers that are answered.

2. Disclose corporate ownership information. This is public information if one knows the state of incorporation. This would include the name and address of the service agent. If it is not a corporation, what is it, who owns it and where are they?

3. Confirm or deny the relationship of Susan L and Eric M to Super Star Smile. Let's see who is posting what and what their interests are. Someone asserting he is the CEO of the company is evidently on this posting. It's time for him to come back on board and start showing that this company is legit the right way. (Note that while his last post appeared to be open to talking, he managed to stop typing just before providing a phone number. It's pretty doubtful that was accidental.)

Until some proper responses are given, all I see is what I've seen many times before: a company with a product of questionable quality seeking to dive in and make lots of cash fast off naive customers and then stonewalling to prevent and dodge proper claims of foul play.

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7/6/2010 12:39 PM (PST)

Well I can't believe it. I actually got scammed by this, less than legit, company. I usually view the review boards before attempting to buy ANYTHING from ANYONE online but unfortunately this time I did not or I would have been warned away by these reviews. Thing is, I got a call from a Super Star employee (AKA Donna) a few days after I placed my order for their free sample. She wanted to review my information and my credit card info. She said my next shipment would be in the mail as well. I asked, "What shipment? All I wanted was to try your advertised special. She explained that I was signed up for monthly shipments and payments of $99.92. I told her that this was ridiculous and asked to be removed from the service and not to send me ANYTHING. She said "Fine" in a not so friendly tone and I hung up. Now today I see my debit card was charged the $99.92. Funny how they try and sneak that in under $100. Is that supposed to be less noticeable? Well not in this economy while I'm also trying to fight foreclosure by getting scammed by Countrywide. It was easier to notice this since my bank account only had $36 in it. I spoke to the bank and they said the charge is still pending and I'll have to wait until it's out of it's pending state until I can dispute it. I called Super Star Smile and spoke to Sandra. She went over the charges and then I said I had to cancel this account since I'm so broke, even Macgyver would have a hard time finding a fix. I explained that I had received a call from them and explained to them over a week ago that I did not want to be a subscriber. She said she would cancel the subscription but I will see one more charge on my account for next months supply. I haven't even seen this months supply, which I didn't order, and now they are trying to get another $99.92 out of me. I explained again that due to their scam I am now in the hole with my bank for $64 until I get this disputed and my next paycheck comes in at the end of the week. It's so sad that companies like this can exist. Especially when the economy is so bad. If this is what our country is letting companies get away with, even though I was born and raised as a proud American, I am starting to think it's time to leave my home, my country, since corporate greed and payoffs by them to the government are out of control and I don't see any government officials getting involved. Afraid of losing their jobs as well I suppose. Geeze the last two Governors of Illinois (where I live) are "alleged" crooks. One in prison and one on trial to join the other soon. Good luck and be careful out there. It's not just the kids who have be careful online. Check the reviews before you buy! MacguyverIT

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8/12/2010 3:57 PM (PST)

I had a similar experience. My 1st mistake was trying this at all. 2nd was not trying it immediately upon receipt, thinking I had more time for the trial. That (I'll admit)was my mistake. On my third use, my gums swelled and turned white. It took a whole week for them to return to normal. Unfortunately I called to cancel 2 days after the trial period ended. I explained why I was cancelling and there was no mention of my calling past the trial deadline. So I was very surprised when another package arrived. When I called to return it, I was told there are no returns or refunds under any circumstances. Obviously they do not stand behind their product!!!!! I can't even use it and wished I'd taken pictures of what it had done to my gums. Maybe proof would have helped, but knowing their reputation, probably not.

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