2/18/2011 11:27 AM (PST)
Rose Marie,
If you are logged into TrustLink you can flag the review or just simply call us about it. I see that you posted a good rebuttal to the review itself on your TrustLink company profile page. As you well know, loan modification is a complex subject and managing the expectations of distressed homeowners has got to be horrendously difficult. Maybe you could post more about the whole topic here in this forum.
2/18/2011 3:39 PM (PST)
Loan Modification is one of the most trouble-ridden fields in our business right now. Helping people with poor financial skills and/or total lack of funds MUST involve unhappiness on a DAILY basis. There is probably nothing that can prevent the bad reviews, but you need thick skin to practice law. Concentrate on keeping the facts accurate. You will never overcome the emotions of failing to save a home.
2/21/2011 8:00 PM (PST)
I agree with Skip on this.....people must understand the complexity of this field.....it changes daily.
If I had "the Formula"....I would be in Washington D.C. working for the President.